Saturday 7 May 2011

Vigorously Wierd Dream!

I had the wierdest deam last night!

Ok, so the Queen decided that she didn't want to be Queen anymore and the rest of the Royal Family decided they didn't want to be Royal anymore. So they started selling off all their Royal stuff and I bought a white limo off them!

So I was cleaning my new white limo outside Lloyds Pharmacy when suddenly an air-raid siren went off and loads of Spitfire type planes were flying overhead and dropping bombs on us so I hid in the doorway of Lloyds Pharmacy. When the all-clear siren went off we found out that it was the Nazi's and they were bombing us again.

I got back home and just as I opened the front door another air-raid siren went off so I had to find the safest part of the house and for some dumb-ass reason I went up into the loft! When the Nazi's were dropping their bombs I realised that actually that the loft is the least safest place in the house! Duh! So I ran downstairs and then the all-clear siren went off again.

So not being sure how long this second Blitz would last for I decided to go out to the shop and get some supplies. As I was walking down the street I passed The Running Hare pub just down the road from my house when I spotted Amanda Towers wearing a black Santa suit and I was like, "Oooooookaaaaaay!"

When I got to the shop and I found that everything had been rationed except the Christmas wrapping paper so I bought a load of it because you never know when you'll need Christmas wrapping paper, especially during a Blitz.

As I was leaving the shop I saw Amanda Towers in her black Santa suit again and she was riding a unicycle and singing Christmas carols at the top of her voice.


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