Friday 13 May 2011

150 Facts About Me

1. I am a Homo Sapien.
2. Europeans and Asians have between 1-4% of Neanderthal DNA in them. I am
therefore part Neanderthal!

3. I may also be part Roman, part Viking, part Saxon and part Celtic. I am 100% definitely part Norman.
4. I am of French descent, as well as Scottish, English, Manx and Irish descent.
5. My ancestry can be dated back to 1300, the Medieval times, to a man
called Jean De Gruchy. Jean De Gruchy is almost definitely the descendant of a
man called Hugh De Gruchy who lived in Normandy (Northern France) in 1088.
6. Some of my French ancestors came over to England with WilliamThe Conqueror.
7. Some of my French ancestors where the Huguenots who fled the persecutions
in France during the reign of King Louis  XIV.
8. I have Selective Mutism. When I started school I didn't speak for three months.
9. I own an acre of land on the moon.
10. I should actually be addressed as Lady Jennifer, because I own a tiny piece of
land in Scotland.
11. I wish I was a Nelwyn. I love Willow.
12. I once drove 290 miles for no reason other than to drive.
13. I hate hill starts.
14. I hate bullies.
15. I don't much like being a grown-up.
16. I still wake up excessively early on Christmas Day.
17. My favourite day of the year is Christmas Eve.
18. My favourite holiday is Christmas.
19. My favourite season is Autumn, because I love the colours.
20. I can make flower arrangements.
21. I can make a dog out of a balloon.
22. I can type really fast without looking at the keys.
23. I hate saying the word sex. I always have done. I get severely embarrassed.
So instead I call it The Hunkachunka.
24. I collect teddy bears. I have 10 Charlie Bears, 6 Bearington Bears, 3 Boyds
Bears, 2 Harrods Bears and a 26 year old rag doll.
25. I collect fossils. My favourite fossils are an ammonite and a bivalve that I
found myself on a beach in Whitby. They are both 190 million years old from the
Jurassic period.
26. I have a massive dinosaur collection, because I’m that nerdy!
27. I have a secret coin collection including three ancient Roman coins which I haven’t
been able to date yet because I can’t figure out who the dude’s head belongs
to. I also have a massive coin that I think belongs to a giant. I am total
dweeb, complete nerd!
28. I am trying to collect the entire Disney DVD collection.
29. I hate the song, ‘Do You Know The Way To San Jose’. It reminds me of working in
Pontins Holiday Park in Prestatyn where they used to have that song on repeat.
I used to cry walking to work because I hated that job. Then it got to the
point where I used to cry walking home from work too because I knew I had to go
back the following week.
30. I love country music, especially Patsy Cline.
31. I love baroque classical music, except the Brandenburg Concertos composed by
32. My favourite classical piece of music is Tomaso Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor for
Violin, Strings and Organ.
33. I love Italian, Chinese, Mexican and Indian food.
34. My favourite things to eat are spaghetti Bolognese, Irish stew, chilli con carne,
lasagne, chicken curry and fajitas.
35. I used to have a poppadum obsession in university. I used to eat poppadums in between
36. I also had a corned beef pasty obsession.
37. If aliens ever arrived on Earth I would RLF! I’d be running so fast, I would leave
a trail of fire behind and there would be holes the shape of me in any obstacles
in my path!
38. I used to eat grass because I thought it might turn me into a horse.
39. I used to eat cold carrots because I thought they might turn me into a bunny
rabbit with night vision.
40. I want to be a ninja.
41. I want to live in a Hobbit hole.
42. I’d also like to live in Rivendell and Lothlorien with the Elves.
43. I want a unicorn.
44. I also want a dragon.
45. My ideal pet would be a pygmypuff.
46. I’d also give anything to own a niffler.
47. I once believed that my belly button held all my skin on and I genuinely thought that if
my belly button ever opened, all my skin would fall off.
48. I used to believe that the Chinese Chow Mein Noodles meal was made using cooked
dogs. So I was totally shocked when my parents sold our Yorkshire Terrier, Ben,
to a Chinese man.
49. Whenever there was thunder and lightning when I was child, I used to shout “Mum, look its
forking lightning!”
50. If zombies ever took over the planet I think I would turn Samurai and start
kicking zombie ass with my brother’s replica sword.
51. I have always wanted to find the end of the rainbow.
52. I once composed a lullaby. It’s rubbish. It’s better than Bella Swan’s lullaby
53. I hate any kind of insect, including butterflies, which is ironic considering my
blog is called stargirlbutterfly.
54. I have The One Ring. Shhhhhhh! Don’t tell Sauron! It’s myyyyyyyyyyyyy
precioussssssssssssssssss now!
55. I love movie replica jewellery. I have Galadriel’s ring of power, Nenya. I also
have Bella Swan’s moonstone ring and engagement ring, as well as Rosalie Hale’s
pendant, Alice Cullen’s choker and Esme Cullen’s bangle.
56. I would love to work in a museum... at night!
57. My proudest sporting achievement was when I won the egg and spoon race in Primary
58. I have only one swimming certificate... for jumping into the pool from the pool
59. I have always wanted to go to a ball like Cinderella.
60. My favourite cereal is Sugar Puffs. I also love Shreddies.
61. I wish I was a hamster. Those hamster wheels look like awesome fun!
62. My favourite words are gigantanormous, vigorous, excessive, severe and epic.
63. My favourite expletive is princess fairy farts
64. I want Gizmo from Gremlins.
65. To date I have had two premonitions. Totally freaked me out.
66. The sound of airplane engines fills me with dread ever since I had two nightmares
about airplane disasters.
67. I love vigorously hot, blow your head off type food.
68. I want to go to Hogwarts.
69. I have been converted to the Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
70. I am a Dudeist priest! I have a certificate to prove it.
71. I nearly died giving birth.
72. I have been in a gay bar even though I’m not gay. I have no concept of
homophobia. Homophobics make no sense to me.
73. I own a dream catcher made by a real native American.
74. I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back in time and meet a
75. I wish I could have sailed on the Titanic even though I almost certainly would
probably have drowned.
76. I consider myself to be technologically challenged.
77. My favourite lessons in school were Geology and Biology. I also enjoyed Religion,
Art and Music.
78. I hated Maths and P.E
79. My hair is really long dark brown hair.
80. The best thing about going to the cinema is getting a hotdog and a slushie.
81. I am a vigorous fan of My Little Pony. My favourite was North Star which I still
have in my bedroom.
82. I consider myself to be multi-coloured in that I like all colours of the rainbow
equally, including neon green. My favourite colour would have to be rainbow.
83. One of my friends is a Reverend.
84. I am 5”4
85. My favourite trees are Willow trees.
86. My favourite bird is the sparrow.
87. My favourite flower is the bluebell.
88. I wish I was a Hobbit.
89. I think I would make a very good Hobbit because I am quite short, I love food,
comfort and home.
90. I love Snickers.
91. My favourite drink is Dr Pepper.
92. I’d love to sail on a pirate ship back in the 1500’s.
93. I once made a house on the PC game, ‘The Sims’. I modelled it on and named it
after the Titanic. After making it I went downstairs to get a cup of tea. When
I got back 5 minutes later my house had burnt down!
94. I once had a PC game called ‘Dogz’. I bred a Great Dane called Frank with a
Chihuahua called Betty. The result was a Great Dane sized Chihuahua.
95. My favourite bands are Me First And The Gimme Gimmes, The Baseballs and The
96. My favourite singers are Patsy Cline and Vera Lynn.
97. I passed my driving test first time.
98. I was born in the year of the ox.
99. I share my birthday with Rupert Grint.
100. I got my first grey hairs at the age of 17.
101. My favourite perfume is L’Aimant.
102. My favourite mythical creature is the unicorn, closely followed by the dragon.
103. I always feel like a champion after I have brushed my teeth.
104. I wish I had been born in Jane Austen’s time.
105. I hate lamb, marmite, salad and shellfish.
106. My favourite fairytale is The Twelve Dancing Princesses by the Brothers Grimm.
107. My favourite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast, closely followed by Lady and
the Tramp.
108. I wish I was a Disney Princess.
109. I have a picture of me and my friend with all the Disney Princesses that was
taken in Disney Land Paris when I visited for my 21st birthday.
110. My favourite Disney Princess is Belle.
111. My ideal job  would be to work in Disney Land... as a Disney Princess.
112. I have visited Rome, Venice, Turkey and Disney Land Paris.
113. I want to train to be an astronaut for the day at the Kennedy Space Centre in
Orlando, Florida.
114. Every time I see a magpie I salute it.
115. I love the smell of Lavender, freshly mown grass, basil and petrol.
116. I love dressing up. I have dressed up as a pirate, an Angel, a cat, a witch, a
Death Eater, a cowgirl, a 1960’s girl and Snow White. I also love face painting
117. I love musicals. The best musical I have seen is Fame.
118. I have always wanted to chase tornados ever since I saw Twister.
119. The best compliment anyone has ever given me was my Geography teacher, Miss Huxley,
when she said at a Parents Evening that I was like a swan gliding into the
120. I vigorously love chips and gravy.
121. I like playing Nintendogs on my DS.
122. I met my favourite artist, Geoff Taylor in Lancaster. He created the book covers
for Jean M. Auel, Raymond E. Feist and Michelle Paver to name a few.
123. I have had a mud bath in Turkey. I also soaked in a sulphur spring and I met a camel
called Ali Baba.
124. I unwittingly caught chicken pox at the age of 23. I counted around 150 chicken pox blister
in all, including inside my ears, down my throat and in my bum!
125. My favourite fruit are bananas. I also like red grapes.
126. I have a degree in Religion. No I am not a nun nor do I want to become one.
127. The oldest thing I own is a 99 year old book. It is a dictionary of the Bible.
128. If I ever get married I want to get married in Las Vegas in a drive thru wedding.
129. I am thinking of changing my name to Scudge Bucket.
130. I want a three-legged sheep called Brian.
131. I am terrified of E.T, you know, that creepy little dude with the dodgy light up
belly and weird extendable neck!
132. I am arachnophobic.
133. I only use Avon cosmetics.
134. I love the word Ankenstanken! I don’t know if it is a real word but I really like
it anyway.
135. I like champagne flavoured ice-cream.
136. Every time I go to Alton Towers I always chicken out when I get to the Nemesis.
137. I can speak a small amount of Welsh and British Sign Language.
138. My life’s ambition is to become a zombie.
139. I’d also like to be a vampire.
140. Or maybe even a werewolf, although I hear the monthly change can be quite painful.
141. I have wanted to live in New York ever since I saw the horror film, Cloverfield.
142. If I can’t be a zombie then I’d quite like to be a zombie slayer, similarly I’d also
like to be a vampire slayer and a werewolf slayer.
143. I’d like to be mermaid, however owing to the fact that I sink better than I swim I
think that I would make a very bad mermaid.
144. I believe in Santa!
145. I am a spy! Like James Bond. The name is Butterfly! Stargirlbutterfly. Licensed to
146. However, if the opportunity ever arose I would totally have a career change...
and become a ninja.
147. I have my very own star.
148. I am a severe Lord Of The Rings fan! I even based my A Level Art coursework on LOTR.
149. I am also a Potterhead. I love anything to do with Harry Potter.
150. I love reading. I am also writing books for young adults and children.

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