Tuesday 16 August 2011

Pottermore Is Not Being Fair!

We all know that only a few people at a time, who have registered for early access, can enter Pottermore each day. We were told that we may have to wait weeks for our Pottermore welcome email. But is anyone else feeling like Pottermore isn't being very fair?

The Pottermore welcome emails appear to be sent out at random. As in, there doesn't seem to be any pattern such as Day 1 get in first, Day 2 second, etc. It appears that people who registered on Day 7 are getting in now before some people who registered on Day 1.

Now, I for one, don't think that is fair! 

When the 7 Day Magical Quill Challenge began, the first 3 days had harder clues to solve! The last four days has easier clues to solve. Therefore, those who registered on Days 1, 2 and 3 worked harder to solve their clue than those who registered between Days 4 to 7.
I totally understand the whole idea of picking people at random, like pulling names out of a hat, to try to make it fair, but if Pottermore wanted to make it fair for everyone, Pottermore should have done the same clue for everyone over the 7 Day Challenge. Instead they made the clues go from hardest to easiest and now they are letting people who registered for early access on Day 7 into Pottermore before people who registered on Days 1, 2 and 3! If I'd have known that people solving the easier clues were going to get into Pottermore before the people solving the harder clues on Day 1 of the challenge, I wouldn't have bothered making sure that I registered on Day 1.

Furthermore, Pottermore said that access to the site would be on a "First come, first served basis!" Well, they are violating their own terms and conditions! They are not letting people who registered for early access on Day 1 into the site first. So they are going back on their word. It isn't fair that someone who registered on, for example, Day 1 of the challenge should get in last when people who registered on Day 7 are getting in first!
I also know that people have been losing sleep, staying up until the early hours of the morning desperately hoping to get their email from Pottermore. This isn't healthy. The least Pottermore could do is give everyone an idea of exactly when to expect their email, for example, those who registered on Day 1 of the challenge will be sent their welcome email between this day and that day and so on. Instead, Pottermore has given everyone a vague "anytime between mid August to late September." It's not fair to keep everyone guessing and waiting around for their email when they could be doing something constructive in the meantime! 

And I will say this, during the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, the two Triwizard Champions who were jointly tied for first place on the score board (Harry and Cedric) were allowed into The Maze first. Then Viktor Krum was allowed in, followed by Fleur Delacour, who was last on the score board. Shouldn't Pottermore have followed in the example of one of it's own books? Shouldn't those who solved the hardest clues, who registered first, be given access to Pottermore first?
I was one of the first to register for Pottermore on Day 1 of the Magical Quill Challenge. I have devoted my childhood, adolescence and now adulthood to Harry Potter. I am normally a very patient person, but something feels very screwy here! 
Maybe it's just me.

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